To: Ad Lib Owners November 12, 1989 From: Ed York and Jay Hiers Re: Music files ADLIBA-L.ZIP and ADLIBM-Z.ZIP Dear Ad Lib Music Owners: We have uploaded our entire Ad Lib Music files so that we hope other Ad Lib owner's can enjoy the music that we have entered "and" originally came with the system. In the ADLIBA-L.ZIP file there are 135 songs and in the ADLIBM-Z there are 118 songs, for a total of 253 songs. We have also included a file called "POPTUNE.DAT" which contains all of the files titles and song titles that we have uploaded, in the ADLIBA-L.ZIP and the and the ADLIBM-Z.ZIP files. In the event anyone should have any questions relating to these music files please leave a message for us on the bulletin board, and we will respond to the message as soon as possible. Sincerely, Ed York and Jay Hiers